Winter Field Day

By CountyEC, 24 January, 2025

We hope to see everyone at Winter Field Day on Saturday January 25th. Winter Field Day begins at 11am. There will be a potluck Saturday evening around 6pm. If you are attending the potluck, please bring a dish to share, something that can be snacked on Saturday night, etc. If you are staying overnight, please bring what you need (sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping pad, cot, etc) There are some cots available at the EMA station to use if needed. We will be having pancakes for breakfast Sunday morning.  Information about Winter Field Day can be found on this website      
Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720
20900 Northwest Parkway.
Marysville, OH 43040

Google Maps Link:


No Meeting Jan 20th

By CountyEC, 20 January, 2025

There will not be a meeting on Monday January 20th. I hope everyone enjoys the Ohio State football game.

I hope to see everyone at Winter Field Day on Saturday January 25th. Winter Field Day begins at 11am. There will be a potluck Saturday evening around 6pm. If you are attending the potluck, please bring a dish to share, something that can be snacked on Saturday night, etc. If you are staying overnight, please bring what you need (sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping pad, cot, etc) There are some cots available at the EMA station to use if needed. We will be having pancakes for breakfast Sunday morning.  Information about Winter Field Day can be found on this website      
Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720
20900 Northwest Parkway.
Marysville, OH 43040

Google Maps Link:


2024 Union County Ohio EMA Eclipse Net Pictures

We volunteered and set up our equipment at 13 different locations including Fire Departments, Sheriff's Office, Emergency Operations Center (EOC),EMA Station 720, and Memorial Hospital in Union County to support our community for the eclipse. Net control stations ran a net on the 2m repeater from 9am-1pm, then 4pm-5pm at the top of the hour and monitored the repeater for emergency traffic the entire time between 9am and 5pm. Several other stations checked into the net and provided situational awareness information such as observed traffic conditions. We want to thank everyone that was able to help our community on the day of the eclipse and everyone that spent a lot of hours planning for it to keep our community safe. The planning paid off, there wasn't any major incidents other than traffic congestion and some minor motor vehicle accidents.  


KB3TNQ Net Control 


NQ8W Net Control

KE8DQ NCS Station

KE8DQ Net Control

KE8DQ NCS Station

KE8DQ Station

KE8DQ NCS Station

KE8DQ Station

KD8GUJ with Station 310

KD8GUJ with Station 310

AD8CM at Memorial Hospital

AD8CM at Memorial Hospital

K8JWL at Station 210

K8JWL at Station 210

KD8GUJ at Station 310

KD8GUJ at Station 310

KE8SVT at Memorial Hospital

KE8SVT at Memorial Hospital

Memorial Hospital Station setup

Station setup at Memorial Hospital

Memorial Hospital Antenna Setup

Antennas setup at Memorial Hospital

KB8YQS and KE8JOE at Station 720

KB8YQS and KE8JOE at EMA Station 720

N8IG at Station 720

N8IG at EMA Station 720

KC8PFD at Station 720

KC8PFD at EMA station 720

VE8VIX at Station 271

KE8VIX Antenna at Station 271

KE8VIX antenna setup at Station 271

KE8VIX Antenna at Station 271

KE8VIX station setup at Station 271

KE8VIX Amateur Station at Station 271

KE8EQQ and KE8VIX at Station 271

KE8EQQ and KE8VIX at Station 271

W8ILD and KD8GPG at the EOC

W8ILD and KD8GPG at the EOC 

N8VJF setup at Station 291

N8VJF setup at Station 291

N8VJF at Station 291

N8VJF at Station 291 ready for the Eclipse

AM Transmitter Antenna setup

AM antenna /station setup at the EOC

Antenna setup at Staion 291

N8VJF antenna setup at Station 291

Union County Court House eclipse

Union County Court House/Sheriff's Office during totality

KE8PWR  at SO Library

KE8PWR setup at Sheriff's Office Library

SO go-box setup

KE8PWR equipment setup

W8RNO at Station 601

W8RNO antenna at Station 601 

W8RNO at Station 610

W8RNO equipment setup at Station 601

N8ME at Station 301

N8ME setup at Station 301

KE8ANW Antennas setup at Washington Township Trustees Building, Byhalia

KE8ANW Antennas setup at Washington Township Trustees Building, Byhalia




KE8ANW equipment setup at Washington Township Trustees Building, Byhalia

KE8ANW equipment setup at Washington Township Trustees Building, Byhalia

NVIS Day is April 27, 2024

By CountyEC, 16 February, 2024
NVIS Day, 2024
Itā€™s coming! Ohio NVIS Day 2024 will be held Saturday April 27, from 10AM until 4PM EDT.

The purpose of NVIS day is to construct and try various antenna ideas, all working as NVIS (Near Vertical Incident Skywave) antennas. These antennas are low to the ground and provide coverage generally within a 400 mile radius- extremely important for regional HF communications in an emergency. Take a big step forward and build upon the concept to answer the question, ā€œHow would we actually use these antennas?ā€

For 2024, we have added a couple operating scenarios that will make your day more fun and be a learning event for actual disaster communications. We propose a commercial power blackout, with the need to communicate within your ARES district and to ā€˜The Sargeā€ at the Ohio EOC in Columbus. 

Hereā€™s the deal:
1. The event runs from 10 AM until 4 PM local time.
2. Stations will construct and test NVIS antennas.
3. Transmit power is limited to 100 watts.
4. Power for the station will be any form of ā€œoff-gridā€ supply: typically, generator, battery or solar or whatever form you might have in an emergency setup. (Optional, but preferred)
5. Stations may test antenna coverage as in the past by contacting as many different locations as possible. This year, we are adding collecting Grid Squares and S-Meter readings as part of the exchange .
a. Stations are to originate a message to their ARES District, local net, OHDEN, OSSBN and to W8SGT reporting their location and county, stating if you are ā€œParticipating or Not Participatingā€.
b. This message may take any form: ARRL message form ICS 213 or radiogram must be used. If youā€™re going to use the traffic system, ARRL message radiogram is recommended.
c. Each county is to send a message to the SARGE with a sitrep of their operation.
d. The message should contain the call sign, operating location (include county) and number of operators. Any other brief antenna information is optional but appreciated!
e. Contact with the District net may take place on VHF or HF (Repeaters OK).
f. WinLink may also be used as long as it sent via RF, local node (VHF, UHF) or an HF node to KD8SCL and or W8SGT.
g. For more information on node locations, visit
6. Operating frequencies are proposed to be in the 80 and 40 meter bands. Voice is preferred for testing.
a. Optimum frequencies centered around but not limited to: 3.902 and 7.240
b. Digital messages may be passed to OHDEN Net as available.
c. Digital OHDEN frequency: 3584.5 (typical is Olivia 8/500)
d. OSSBN frequency: 3972.5, Net Times: 10:30, 16:15, 18:45
You can create your own log (Excel preferred) or Word format. Be sure to include a photo of your group or your antenna! Submit your results to

Have fun! Take a lunch break! I hope to hear you!!



Combining Two Nets

By CountyEC, 30 January, 2024

The Columbus Ohio Emergency Response Communication Net and the Union County ARES Group Net are combining our nets to support our community with more resources to draw from in the event of an emergency. Starting February 4th we will be holding the net on Sunday at 8pm on the N8IG -145.350 CTCSS 127.3Hz and a simplex digi net right after the repeater net . 

Information about the Columbus Ohio Emergency Response Communication Net: 
The Columbus Ohio Emergency Response Communication Net is an emergency amateur radio network. It is a church run program from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have local, regional and national nets that we participate in each week. Our region is the North America North East that covers a large area. We help support the North America South East during major storms coming up the East coast during Hurricane seasons. Or any other emergency that we are ask to support any where in the world. 

We use HF and VHF radios to run WinLink and JS8Call to communicate with. We also use GroupMe and EchoLink to communicate with different parts of the United States. We hold nets on Saturday morning, Sunday evening and Tuesday evening. 

We enjoy running FT8 and any other radio communication formats that are fun. We like experimenting with radio equipment and antennas. Ron NQ8W a member of our group just put together a winlink two meter gateway that our county can use for all types of communication and all the counties around can use for their communication needs also. 

Our members are ARES members of Union County and have learned a lot of radio skills by participating together.


About the Union County Ohio ARES Group

Welcome to the ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) group in Union County Ohio. We work with the Union County EMA ( Emergency Management Agency ) and their RACES group. The RACES group meets regularly on Wed evenings around 6:30ish at the Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720.

The ARES group meets monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm at the Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720. Most ARES and RACES volunteers are part of both groups. 

Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720
20900 Northwest Parkway.
Marysville, OH 43040

Google Maps Link:

Information about Ohio ARES (Ohio ARES Section Website)

FEMA Traning courses:

If you are interested in becoming part of the Union County ARES group stop by on a 3rd Monday evening meeting, fill out the online application form on the Ohio ARES Section Website,  or contact the ARES Union County EC, Ed Liddle at ed.liddle (at) 


  • Sundays at 8pm on the N8IG repeater  - 145.350  Tone:127.3Hz
  • Digital Simplex Net - Immediately follows the repeater net 145.650
  • Nets do not meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Here are some links with additional information about ARES and RACES.
Basic RACES information -
ARRL ARES Information -
Ohio ARES training information links -

Ohio ARES frequency information can be found at

AndFLDigi is FlDigi and FLMsg for android. It can be found here: